LI Life & Politics Took the Lead in Keeping Schools Cell Phone-Free

A recent op-ed to Newsday congratulated Governor Kathy Hochul for recommending cell phones not be permitted during class time. We at Long Island Life & Politics were way ahead of the curve on this one.

We had called for smart phones to be removed from the learning area months ago.

Parents who want contact with their children can do so with an old-style flip phone or their present equivalent that does not have Internet capability.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg had the right idea over a decade ago to ban phones in schools, but, unfortunately, his successor, Bill (“I never met a bad idea I didn’t like”) deBlasio reversed the Bloomberg edict.

But now, we’re happy that cities around the nation are starting to see the light.

It’s bad enough that schools are lowering standards and doing away with Regents exams. They have been catering to students’ wishes rather than their needs. It’s about time the adults take control once again.