Why Aren’t Our Leaders Arresting Those Inflicting Violence against Jews?

Supporters of Hamas terrorists took over a New York City subway car demanding that Zionists leave. None were arrested. https://abc7.com/post/protesters-chant-raise-hand-youre-zionist-aboard-nyc/14942616/

Let us repeat that: Hamas terrorist supporters took over a New York City subway car and demanded that individuals supporting Israel leave the car under the threat of violence. And they have not at this point been apprehended.

How can this be happening in the United States of America?

Where is the shame? Where is the outrage? Where are the leaders who will demand that these terrorists and fascists be brought to justice?

Our leaders are a bunch of cowards.

If a group of skinheads took over a New York City subway car under the threat of violence ordered Black people to get out of the car, this would have been the lead story in every newspaper throughout the nation.

If any American took over a subway car and demanded that Muslims leave the car under the threat of violence, the federal Department of Justice and the FBI would have deployed dozens of agents and leave no stone unturned in order to identify, arrest, prosecute, and jail the vermin who would’ve perpetrated such a heinous act.

But when the violence and the threats are perpetrated by leftist Hamas supporters against Jews, we hear nothing.

Mayor Adams rightly criticized the horrible antisemitic event, but where was his demand that these people be arrested and put in jail?

Where are the New York City prosecutors? Are they too busy engaging in lawfare against their political opponents?

There is a reason these thugs feel so emboldened. They saw that few who engaged in the violence and destruction during the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 were ever prosecuted.

They saw how pro-Hamas protesters and rioters took over college campuses and public squares, threatened Jews and prevented their entry on campus, yet got away with it without any jail time, or in most cases, even being charged.

It becomes clear to these thugs that, if you are a conservative who engages in a riot at the Capitol, you will be given years in prison, but if you are a rioter supported by the leftists who control our federal government, you are let off scot free.

These thugs know that they have the Biden administration paralyzed because we have allowed so many immigrants from the Middle East to settle in our country, knowing they don’t like us. They are now swing voters in these key election districts. As Hamas leaders have said, they have Israel exactly where they want it.

Likewise, they have America exactly where they want it. We are paralyzed. We are becoming a different country where a Jewish minority is allowed to be persecuted. Of course, it’s not on par with the type of persecution we saw in Germany in the late 1930s. But one can say it’s sure looking very similar to the conditions and atmosphere that existed in Germany in the early 30s. Have we learned any lessons from history?

Every American of goodwill should be demanding that our elected leaders take action to arrest these arrogant thugs who thought they could perpetrate such threats against Jews living and working in New York City. If they don’t respond, adequately, throw their asses out.