Trump’s Deplorable “Poison the Blood” Rhetoric Deflects from the Real Immigration Problem


The liberal media in its biased manner has frequently overused the term “racism” in attacking conservative thought it disagrees with. Case in point was when they deliberately and inaccurately claimed that then-President Donald Trump was supporting neo-Nazis in Charlottesville when it was clear, in the unedited version, that his statement “There were good people on both sides” did not apply to neo-Nazis or white supremacists. 

But in the latest Trump rhetorical dumpster fire, where he claims that immigration is “poisoning the blood” of America, the criticism is legitimate and warranted.

This distraction has to be extremely frustrating to many Republicans who are upset that the media for three years has ignored the open border policies of the Biden administration.  

We were finally getting to the point where the media could no longer ignore the fact that Biden has deliberately eviscerated our borders in order to bring millions of illegal aliens onto American soil with the hopes that they will one day vote Democratic.

It is a horrific policy that is destroying the sovereignty of our nation and is only now getting attention because it is placing blue Democratic cities on the fiscal brink.

Republicans were calling on voters to come back to the GOP because the immigration problem was under control during the Trump years with his Remain in Mexico policy and his refusal to implement catch-and-release policies that Biden has been employing. 

Republicans have been so close to getting the public on its side. Then, former President Trump blurts out a horrific, indefensible comment about immigration “poisoning the blood” of America. 

Conservatives have been pushing back against a dishonest liberal media that has been falsely charging that traditional American opposition to illegal immigration is somehow based on race. It has nothing to do with that. Illegal immigration has been opposed by a majority of Americans because we have a right to decide who comes to this country. 

We also have a right to set the numbers as to how many people come here. 

We have a right to be concerned about the economic impact that mass immigration will have, including its suppression of wages and strain on schools, hospitals, the rental market, and social service safety nets available for American citizens.

And we also have a right to be concerned that those waiting on line the proper way are being turned into suckers. 

But now those legitimate concerns are pushed to the side as all the focus is placed on these horrific words uttered by the former president. Whether or not Trump had Hitler in mind when he spoke, it is nevertheless a deplorable statement. Conservatives oppose illegal immigration not because we’re concerned about the “browning of America,” but rather because a nation without borders is no nation at all. Conservatives are outraged at the media’s blurring of the distinction between illegal immigration, which they oppose, and legal immigration, which is supported by most Americans. 

Trump continues to be extremely frustrating for many Republicans. He has the instinct to follow a path of worthwhile policy initiatives, but his successes are eroded by his inability to filter his comments and by uttering outlandish outbursts that distract from his achievements.

Right out of the gate, Trump struck a chord by making immigration — a then-ignored issue — a top priority. But he got distracted by giving the impression that a majority of immigrants were coming here for nefarious purposes.

He wisely noted that we have a right to be especially cautious of giving visas and immigration status to people coming from countries that hate us. But he ruins a smart policy by claiming that this ban from hostile nations is somehow a Muslim ban.

He correctly had the nation on a path to becoming the world’s number one energy producer, but then clouds the success by claiming that climate change is a hoax.

He rightly stands up to “defund the police” Marxists, but then ruins the message by making off-the-cuff statements that police should be encouraged to rough up their suspects.

Trump‘s policies helped get us a thriving economy, a controlled border, low gas prices and stability in the foreign policy arena.

If only we could put a muzzle on this guy.

The Democrats are leading us down a path toward Marxism. They’ve given a wink and a nod to the defund-the-police crazies. They’ve made us dependent on our enemies for fuel. They’ve spent us into record inflation territory. They’ve eviscerated our borders. They’re teaching our younger generation to hate our country and they’re dividing us by race and gender through their DEI and critical race theory nonsense.

There’s a lot at stake this election. Republicans must be focused on policy and not be distracted by off-the-cuff, unfiltered rhetoric that hurts the cause.