This Was the Biggest Consequence of the Afghanistan Pullout

The Biden administration humiliated America with its disastrous pullout in Afghanistan. What sane leader pulls out his military before his country’s citizens have been safely removed from a warring country?

But beyond the humiliation and the horrible message of weakness it sent to our enemies, there was a far more logistical disaster incorporated in this pullout. That was the surrendering of the airbase in Afghanistan.

This is especially significant, given the fact that some U.S. military leaders are now predicting we may be at war with China by 2025. Now that is pure speculation, and probably unlikely, but it is indeed possible to have some type of armed conflict with the increasingly aggressive communist nation.

We will rue the day that we gave up a strategic airbase just a few hundred miles from the Chinese border.

We were there. We sacrificed thousands of American lives to wrest control of Afghanistan from the tyrannical Taliban, which reverted to prohibiting girls from attending schools. We had control of this airbase, and, even if we were to allow the rest of the country to fall, we should never have given up the base unilaterally.

Both Presidents Trump and Biden were wrong in recommending a withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump says he would have kept control of the base. Whether he actually would have, we will never know. But that’s a moot issue since Biden abandoned the base, as well as the Afghan allies who put their necks on the line for us. 

If there is ever a conflict that erupts in Asia, we will greatly regret that our leaders made such a horrible, self-defeating decision.