The Left’s Racism against Blacks

Democrats rely on an over 90% majority from African-Americans to stay competitive in elections. If that amount erodes, they would have a much tougher time winning at the ballot box. This is why they work so hard to destroy any African-American who dares to leave the leftist plantation.

The latest example is the Democrat-turned-Republican African-American state legislator in Georgia, who had enough of Democrats going in the tank for the teachers unions and denying African-American parents the right to send their children to better schools.

Georgia State Rep. Mesha Mainor switched parties because of her frustration with the unwillingness of the Democrats to give poor Black parents the same options that rich white parents have in permitting their students to attend high-performing schools.

Charter schools have proven to produce students who achieve higher test scores and are better prepared for the real world to advance on the economic ladder than those trapped in failing public schools, especially in our inner urban areas.

Teachers unions see the success of charters as a threat to the number of teachers within their union and, ultimately, their power. So they must do everything within their means to trash charters and keep black students trapped in failing schools.

A review of just some of the despicable tweets and emails Mainor received from angry leftists illustrates a racist attitude within the left that seeks to force African-Americans to think the same way they do or to be destroyed.

Wasn’t the left once the party of tolerance?