Our newspaper published an article based on a press release issued by Governor Kathy Hochul. The press release was entitled “Governor Hochul Announces over $2 Billion in Bonuses Paid to More Than 800,000 Health Care Workers Across New York State.”
The press release contains a hodgepodge of numerous programs enacted by the state that distributes billions of dollars to various people living in New York.
This is what is meant by politicians playing Santa Claus with taxpayer dollars. They raise our taxes to dole out money to their favorite classes.
What they don’t tell you is how this rampant spending has a dramatic impact on inflation, which devastates New York families.
The programs included:
- $3,000 bonuses to various healthcare workers chosen by the governor
- Giving 1 million families additional child tax credits of $330 per child, even after the pandemic is long over
- Providing $2.6 billion in supplemental payments to low-income earners
- $1.8 billion in state and federal monies for assistance with childcare
It’s hard to argue that in the short term that extra money to these New York residents isn’t joyfully accepted. That’s a lot of extra disposable income in the pockets of New Yorkers. But as we found out, that extra money floating around in our economy takes an inflation rate of 1.6% that the Biden administration inherited to up to 9% in one year and a cumulative 20% over four years.
The short-term sugar rush of the flow of money for child tax credits and healthcare bonuses comes back to haunt us down the line.
A bigger question is whether the governor has the legal authority to take taxpayer public dollars and to give raises to private sector employees. Why stop with healthcare workers? What about truck drivers or plumbers or electricians or grocery workers? Why aren’t they getting bonuses tacked onto their paychecks?
The problem with our present condition is that elected officials feel so brazen about passing these spending bills and then bragging about it through their press releases for which they will feel no political pushback.
Where are the editorials around the country relating these giveaways to the economic pain related to the inflation that was caused by politicians playing Santa Claus? You don’t see that critical analysis coming from the liberal media. You do see it from Long Island Life & Politics. That’s why we ask you to support our newspaper.
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