There’s no question that the mainstream media harbors a bias that swings far to the left. In fact, outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post can be described as being arms of the Democratic Party.
Yet, there’s a tendency for many on the right to believe that the conservative media is immune from bias.
The right-wing media is perceived as conservative because it indeed harbors a bias in what it covers. The difference usually is that they do not profess to be down the middle, as do the editors of the Times, the Washington Post and CNN.
And while matters covered within the right-wing media are certainly selected because of their negative slant on Democratic policies, the information provided is usually accurate.
But sometimes the zeal to bash Democrats can be misleading. Two cases in the past week illustrate this. The first was the narrative that the Biden administration was poking a finger in the eye of Christianity by issuing a proclamation supporting the transgender community on Easter Sunday. To hear the pundits on these right-wing shows, you would think that the transgender community specifically picked Easter Sunday as it’s a day for recognition just so it could tweak Christians. But the fact is that the date has always been March 31, which coincidentally this year fell on Easter Sunday.
Conservative analysts had a right to criticize Biden for not issuing a statement about the joys of Easter until after he was pressured to do so, given the pushback on the trans proclamation. But that’s different than saying that either the administration or the trans community deliberately picked Easter Sunday as a day to recognize trans people.
Another example of right-wing media exaggeration was the piling on of Governor Kathy Hochul’s visit to the wake of a murdered New York City police officer at a Massapequa funeral home.
Initial reports made it appear that Hochul crashed the wake for political purposes, and was chased away. It was later discovered that Hochul called in advance to the family to ask if they would prefer she attend or stay away. She was told she would be welcome, though a speech would not be afforded to her.
Hochul did the right thing in that case.
If she stayed away as Biden did, she would’ve appeared callous. If she came uninvited, she would look political. Asking the family’s permission was the correct course of action.
This does not absolve Hochul for her horrendous reign as governor wherein she has refused to use her considerable powers to change the bail laws. But it was over the top for the media to suggest that she was crashing the funeral for political purposes.
However, these two instances pale in comparison to the constant daily bias of the left. A case in point is how Palestinian Hamas sympathizers disrupted Easter services at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral.
Where was the outrage in the mainstream Democratic media? Could you imagine if Christian activists or a group of Jews disrupted services at a mosque during Ramadan? It would be front-page news and the lead story in every mainstream media outlet.
While the right-wing media went overboard in claiming that the trans proclamation was an attack on Christianity, the left continues to promote the concept that Christians are the one demographic that may be considered fair game to be attacked.