Politicians Taking Credit for Concerts Paid for by Taxpayers

While driving along the William Floyd Parkway in Suffolk County last week, we saw a big sign inviting the public to a free outdoor concert. The kicker is that it was supposedly sponsored by the local county legislator. It sure made it sound like the legislator was digging deep into her own pocket and laying out the bucks for this fun concert for her constituents to enjoy. But we know better. This concert is being paid for by the taxpayers themselves. Legislators receive earmarks, which is a slush fund that they can tap into in order to put together these types of feel-good events. 

Nothing wrong with the public being able to treat itself to an outdoor concert, but it’s kind of irritating for politicians to give the appearance they are so kind and considerate and they are thinking of their constituents in this way. 

Meanwhile, in Nassau County, artists are ticked off that a Harry Chaplin concert promoted by the county government has a sign with the Nassau executive’s name twice the size of Chapin’s. Pretty tacky. 

We understand that incumbency has its advantages, but politicians should be mindful of overdoing it.