Newsday Just Can’t Admit That the Right Had It Right on the Covid Lab Leak.

Newsday is finally giving credence to the likelihood that the Covid pandemic emanated from a lab leak. (Newsday, “Stop games on COVID origins,” March 21, 2023 

After years of remaining silent as those preaching common sense that a lab link was the most likely culprit, Newsday is now shuffling to make it sound that they were open-minded all along. What prompted them is the disclosure of statements from the FBI and the Energy Department  that it’s more likely than not that the virus escaped from the lab. 

Newsday had to concede that the lab theory can no longer be classified as disinformation. But they simply could not admit that they were wrong and the right was correct. They felt compelled to note that, despite the right being correct all along, they were still a bunch of tin hat-wearing conspiracy theorists. The editorial claimed, ”The lab theory, if confirmed, wouldn’t redeem the GOP’s habit of conspiratorial guesswork…”

These days, it seems like a “conspiracy theory” is something touted by the right, immediately belittled by the leftist media as white supremacist misinformation, and six months later proven to be true. We saw it with the Russia hoax, and the Hunter Biden laptop. And even with the climate doomsday scenarios. 

The left claimed that Trump was a Russian agent. The right countered that the FBI was doctoring evidence before FISA court to get a legal search warrant against the Trump administration. The FISA allegation was dismissed by the liberal media, but when the evidence of the FBI’s fabrications came forward, there were no mea culpas on the part of the mainstream media. 

Then the right exposed stories of the Biden family engaging in shady activities with Chinese  communists. The left labeled this as disinformation. When the laptop story was proven to be true, there were again no media apologies. 

For twenty years, the leftist media has been spouting the ridiculous exaggerations and outright falsehoods from Al Gore, John Kerry, and Greta Thunberg about how the world would come to an end in ten years due to climate warming. When, twenty years later, all of their predictions  proved false, there was no acknowledgement from the media that they fell for the leftist spin. Those who dared challenge the inaccurate predictions of the fearmongers were labeled as climate-denying conspiracy theorists. 

As to the lab, common sense would direct you to conclude that the virus escaped from the facility doing the gain-of-function biological research on viruses.The concept was best encapsulated by liberal comedian Jon Stewart on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

The Republican-hating Colbert wanted to bolster the left-wing narrative that the pandemic started from a wet market in China, but he was slam dunked by Stewart, who snarkily noted that it could not be a simple coincidence that the Wuhan virus came from a city where viral engineering was taking place.

Oh my god, there’s a novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking Wuhan, China, what do we do? Oh, you know who we could ask? The Wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab. The disease is the same name as the lab. That’s just a little too weird!”

After Colbert ran cover for Dems pushing the wet market theory, Stewart sarcastically retorted something along the lines of “Maybe a bat flew into a turkey that sneezed into my chili.”

Newsday acknowledges the fact that China shut down any collaboration regarding the outbreak, but shouldn’t they have enough common sense to also understand the reasons for the withholding of that information? Why would they stonewall if the virus emanated via natural causes? The communists were obviously erasing information because they felt guilty about setting off a worldwide pandemic that killed millions due to their negligence at the lab. 

Newsday gushes over the World Health Organization leader who finally says China should be more transparent, claiming: “WHO director general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stood on solid ground when he said Friday: ‘This data could have and should have been shared three years ago.” When proof remains elusive, it’s easy to get whipsawed.’”

But it was Ghebryesus who was covering for China at the pandemic’s outbreak by falsely claiming how transparent China was. Republicans called him out for being a key ally to the Chinese government that funds him, and were criticized by the media for being racists for doing so. 

Newsday takes China to task for doing dangerous experiments at the lab, but fails to call out Dr. Anthony Fauci for directing American resources towards this risky endeavor. Perhaps Newsday was reticent criticizing Fauci because that would be an admission that Republican criticism of Fauci for the last three years was warranted.