Hochul Cuts Aid to Long Island Schools While Showering Illegal Aliens with Cash


Last week, the governors of New York and Massachusetts were literally crying about how the wave of illegal immigrants arriving in the Northeast was paralyzing their budgets.

What they didn’t say is that they are partially responsible for this chaos.

We have hit a new level of absurdity when a governor is doling out billions of dollars to care for people who are here illegally, while, at the same time, cutting back money to Long Island school children.

Meanwhile, Hochul is bewildered at how we reached the point where illegal immigrants from Venezuela can stomp on police officers, be let out without bail the next hour, and then flee the state with no consequences.

If only the governor knew how foolish she would look when reporters took to the archives of her just two years earlier bragging about how we are a humanitarian sanctuary state that welcomes people from all over the world, regardless of their legal status. 

In essence, the governor rolled out the red carpet for illegal aliens to come here and is now wondering how we got to this state of anarchy.

Billions have been allocated in the state budget to house the illegal migrants, and New York City just announced it will dole out $53 million in cash cards to the new undocumented arrivals. 

Meanwhile, over in Boston, the Massachusetts governor was literally crying that she was going to have to suspend a youth program because space and resources were needed to care for the illegal aliens that she welcomed into her state.

So we must ask: Why are you crying, Governor? You did this!  

You can start to reverse it by ending your ridiculous sanctuary state status. But you won’t because your radical left flank will not allow you to do it.

Back to Long Island schools. 

New York’s governor loves to tout the enormous increase in state aid that she, along with the legislature, was able to funnel to schools as a result of the unprecedented amount of federal aid flowing into the states due to the Covid pandemic.

It seemed unfathomable that, just a couple of years later, the governor would be looking to cut aid to some schools The schools she’s selected for these cuts are mostly on Long Island, which city-centric Albany leaders believe is uber-wealthy and flush with cash.

It’s the same reason why she tried to stick Long Island with a congestion pricing tax and a payroll tax on Long Island businesses to fund the city’s subways. 

Here’s a news flash: Long islanders are tired of being considered Albany’s cash cow. Hardworking legal taxpayers are tired of being relegated behind those coming here illegally. 

Enough is enough.