Electric Bills Are Soaring, and we Have Only Ourselves to Blame

No one should be surprised that electric bills are going through the roof. It’s projected ConEd rates will
go up 9% next month and possibly double by 2025.

We were warned over and over that adopting the crazy “Green New Deal” policies would do just that. The irony is that these pie-in-the-sky projects have done nothing to lower carbon emissions. To the contrary, the percentage of New York’s energy coming from fossil fuels has increased since these ill-fated policies took effect.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that, while wind and solar or other laudable projects can help to a small degree, they are unreliable. When you shut down nuclear, gas and oil-fired plants, you don’t have enough electric output to keep the lights on. So governments had to go back to dirtier types of energy processes. Look at Germany, which dismantled its nuclear plants, now has many people burning wood in the winter to stay warm.

Additionally, the media report lauding the wonders of offshore wind never accurately described the enormous costs associated with these projects. You do not only have to build these enormous structures in the sea, but you have to totally transform the electrical grid to transport the energy. At the same time, elected officials have imposed unrealistic mandates that will require all of our energy to be from nonrenewables in a very short period. They’re requiring more strain on an electric grid by mandating all electric vehicles.

They’re also putting more of a strain on our electric grid by mandating all electric vehicles. When you ban gas stoves and shut down gas pipelines, you create a greater need for electricity. We don’t have the capacity to do all these things. That is why costs are going through the roof. We need more research and more innovation for lower carbon output. If climate change truly was the existential threat that the zealots claim, they would be proposing nuclear power, which has zero carbon output. But they’re not.

A great deal of the movement is promoted by a cottage industry making a great deal of money off of these projects, as well as by virtue-signaling limousine liberals, who don’t have to live with the consequences of their mandates as the little people do. Get ready to pay twice what you are now for your electricity. But don’t complain, New Yorkers. You voted for the officials who promised to do just that.