Dems and the Liberal Media Blatantly Lie about Florida’s Slavery Curriculum


The woke mob wants to teach your kids that America is a racist nation founded upon slavery.

We’re not making this up. Look at the 1619 Project proposed by New York Times author Nikole Hannah-Jones, which is now taught in many schools throughout the country. It inaccurately states that America was founded as a slave enclave and not as a place of refuge for the religiously persecuted.

The woke mob also pushes DEI programs, which teach young kids that white children are unwitting oppressors and young black children are the oppressed who cannot get ahead in this racist society.

It is insidious, odious stuff. Many parents and elected officials, such as those in Florida, have fought back to try to keep this poisonous curriculum away from our young children.

The wokesters fear that their claptrap will be minimalized, so they are lying about what the pushback effort is all about.

They are outright lying when they say that the Florida curriculum on slavery whitewashes slavery and, in fact, praises it. Here is a great article that lays out exactly what the curriculum teaches.

There is nothing in there praising slavery. The curriculum was written by historical scholars, many of whom are African-American. One item out of a hundred noted that slaves acquired skills during slavery, and the woke critics pounced on it, falsely claiming this was a promotion of slavery. It was inartfully worded and didn’t need to be included in the list, but it’s an obvious lie to say the black scholars were supporting slavery by noting this historical fact.

All of us were told about the evils of slavery and Jim Crow when we went to school. Those horrors continue to be taught to our children today. But kids should not be taught that America is inherently a racist place.

Our newer generation is being raised to hate their country and that has major ramifications. Firstly, it tribalizes us and pits us against each other. But more importantly, it creates a younger generation that doesn’t want to defend its own country. That is an established fact now evident in various polls that show that only 18% of Gen Z considers themselves extremely patriotic.

This follows a poll showing that most Democrats wouldn’t defend America if it were attacked as was Ukraine.

This is dangerous stuff. 

Kudos to those trying to change it and shame on those who lie about the slavery curriculum.

They are the extremists, but, by creating a fiction, they hope to paint their opponents as the extremists.  We must see through this nonsense and ensure our children are taught about the horrors of slavery without trying to convince them that America is an irredeemable, racist enclave that is not worth fighting for.