Parents in many parts of the country have been speaking out against the injection of Critical Race Theory into the curriculum in our K-12 schools. Many on the left have been quick to try to debunk this accusation, claiming that Critical Race Theory is only taught at the college level. They conveniently re-defined the term “Critical Race Theory” so they can say the subject matter is not being taught to our younger kids.
In Somers High School in Lincolndale, NY, 10th grade English students were given lessons on excerpts from a book, Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad. The book is described on Amazon as one that “encourages people who hold white privilege to examine their (often unconscious) racist thoughts and behaviors.” https://www.theexaminernews.com/anti-racism-lesson-using-controversial-book-sparks-raucous-debate-in-somers-schools
Many in the media have sought to paint parents objecting to this nonsense as being racist conspiracy theorists who are exaggerating, or even fabricating, the notion that these teachings are infiltrating our schools. But the concerned parents’ fears are borne out by the findings of Christopher Rufo of the Manhattan Institute. A perusal of his website proves how pervasive this poisonous ideology is in schools around the nation.
Millions of dollars have been snuck into COVID and other massive spending bills to fund not-for-profits to promote the nebulous concepts of “social justice” and “diversity and equity.” While some of the programs are worthy, many are disguised attempts to normalize CRT in our classrooms. Parents, beware.