LaLota Secures Federal Grant for Fishers Island Airport

Elizabeth Field Airport on Fishers Island secured two federal grants amounting to $3,760,667 for the rehabilitation of the airport. This  investment will fund the final phase of the airport’s renovation project, which includes the rehabilitation of the existing runway pavement, ensuring its structural integrity and extending its useful life. 

Funding for the airport’s rehabilitation will be provided in the FY24 Transportation and Housing  and Urban Development appropriations bill which LaLota helped pass in March 2024. The  rehabilitation project involves two grants of $2,460,667 and $1,300,000 from the Federal Aviation Administration under the Department of Transportation for the final phase of runway rehabilitation, restoration of 2,345 feet of existing Runway 12/30 pavement, enhancements to maintain structural  integrity and minimize foreign object debris. 

The airport serves Fishers Island and plays a critical role in providing  accessible air travel for the island’s residents and visitors. The Town of Southold manages the  airport and supports both private and commercial aviation needs. 

“Elizabeth Field Airport is a vital transportation hub for Fishers Island, and this funding is crucial  for maintaining its operations and safety. Rehabilitating the runway not only enhances the airport’s  functionality but also ensures the safety and reliability of air travel for residents and visitors alike,” said U.S. Congressman Nick LaLota (R-Hauppauge). “Every federal dollar invested in our infrastructure is a win for Suffolk County. I am  committed to securing federal resources that support the infrastructure and economic vitality of  our community.”

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