Karl Grossman Discusses “A World Without Nuclear Weapons is Possible and Necessary” at LIMBA

(Photo Courtesy of Karl Grossman) Investigative reporter and SUNY-Old Westbury Journalism Professor Karl Grossman will be the guest speaker at LIMBA (Long Island Metro Business Action) on March 15.

On March 15, Karl Grossman, an investigative reporter and Professor of Journalism at State University of New York (SUNY) at Old Westbury, will be the guest speaker at LIMBA (Long Island Metro Business Action) at the Candlelight Diner, located at 56 Veterans Memorial Highway in Commack, starting at 8:30 a.m. The topic will be “A World Without Nuclear Weapons is Possible and Necessary.”

The name of the topic came from Pope Francis at a meeting of nations that have ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Now signed on to by most nations of the world, it bans development, testing, production, stockpiling, stationing, transfer, use and threat of use of nuclear weapons.

In his presentation, Mr. Grossman asks: Can the atomic genie be put back in the bottle? Anything people have done, other people can undo and the prospect of huge loss of life from nuclear war is the best of reasons. A precedent was the outlawing of chemical weapons after their impacts were horrifically demonstrated in World War I.

With armed conflicts now having increased all over the world and The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists pushing its “Doomsday Clock” forward in 90 seconds to midnight which represents, says The Bulletin, “nuclear annihilation,” the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is essential and crucial.

Mr. Grossman, an award-winning investigative reporter, has long focused on nuclear issues. For 20 years, he was a member of the Commission on Disarmament Education, Conflict Resolution and Peace, sponsored by the United Nations and the International Association of University Presidents. He is a full Professor of Journalism at SUNY Old Westbury. Television programs he has written and presented include Nukes in Space: The Nuclearization and Weaponization of the Heavens. He is also the author of Weapons in Space.

In addition, Mr. Grossman is a Board Member of the organization Beyond Nuclear. He has given presentations on nuclear issues around the world, including in Norway, Russia, Thailand, Germany, Mexico and Holland, and at the UN in both Geneva, Switzerland and New York, New York. Twice, he addressed members of the British Parliament on the weaponization of space.

For more information about upcoming LIMBA programs, visit https://limba.net/.