Romaine Named Leader of the Year by the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society

(Photo: Town of Brookhaven) Pictured (left to right) are AMCS Board President Paul Tonna; AMCS Founder and Chief Scientist,Robert A. DiGiovanni, Jr.; Brookhaven Town Supervisor Ed Romaine and AMCS Board Vice President and Treasurer Thomas Telesca.

Brookhaven Town Supervisor Ed Romaine was named “Leader of the Year” by the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) during their third annual Night at the Ocean reception. The event was held at the Jones Beach Energy and Nature Center in Wantagh on September 14.

The AMCS “Leader of the Year” award recognizes those in the community who have gone above and beyond to support the organization. They AMCS does aerial surveys and live animal captures to collect and disseminate data to environmental managers, ensuring the long-term survival of critical members of the ocean ecosystems. Their outreach programs at schools, in libraries and community centers educate the public on the marine environment.