Deep-State Liberals Seek to Rig the Elections

By Steve Levy

We encourage all of our readers to check out this podcast from Judicial Watch wherein former Department of Justice (DOJ) Attorney Robert Popper suggests that there is a deliberate attempt by deep-state liberals controlling the voting division of the DOJ to ignore the requirements to ensure the integrity of the electoral process.

The controversy stems primarily over what is called the “purging” of the voter registration rolls. Traditionally, most states would periodically remove former voters from the list who have died or moved. This was to ensure that those names not eligible to vote would no longer be within the system. 

This is especially relevant in recent years as a major movement has been initiated to replace in-person voting with mailing in ballots. If we are going to rely so heavily on mail-in voting, which we think is a mistake, at the very least we must make sure that the potential for fraud is minimized to the greatest extent possible. 

But think how easy it would be for nefarious political operators on either side of the aisle to simply gather a list of the individuals within an area who passed away over the last five or ten years and then cross-reference that list with the voter files to see which of these dead people are still listed as registered and eligible to vote. 

Thereafter, it’s not that difficult to obtain one of the millions of unaccounted-for ballots that get thrown into circulation by overly aggressive governors and secretaries of state and have a political operative sign the name of the dead person and mail it in. There’s practically no risk involved since you now can in many places have someone deliver their bogus ballot into a dropbox that is not privy to the Board of Elections’ chain of custody. 

The former DOJ attorney noted that, when he brought up the issue of voter safety, the incoming head of the department in the Obama administration said that it simply wasn’t a priority, and they were not going to focus on it. That’s all you really need to know. 

Let’s not forget that, at the same time that governors and secretaries of state were unilaterally, and possibly illegally, diluting signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots, the use of these ballots was exploding. 

In one experiment conducted by Nevada journalist Victor Joecks, nine people were mailed ballots to their homes under the name of previous voters, who died on moved. Joecks signed the names of the present occupants legally registered at these locations on the nine ballots. Alarmingly, eight of the nine bogus signatures were accepted by the Board of Elections. 

How many other cases of this type of fraud existed? We simply don’t know what we don’t know, and that’s the scary part. Remember, it was former Democratic president Jimmy Carter who in 2005 issued a report that mail-in voting presents the greatest threat to electoral integrity in the United States. Add to that the fact that almost every Western European democracy has rejected wide use of mail-in balloting, because of the fraud they experienced in the past. 

Some will inaccurately say that there were scores of court cases that debunked the allegation of ineligible people voting. However, those cases were thrown out primarily on procedural grounds such as lack of standing or the case was determined to be moot. There were few, if any, detailed forensic audits of the votes. 

As to those objecting to removing the names of people who died or moved out of the district, why would they do so other than having some degree of bad intentions?

Our elected officials have to stand strong against the charges from various political pundits who will claim that their efforts to clean up the voting roles are racist or restricting voter access. It’s pure nonsense, and everyone knows it. 

Judicial Watch has had to go to court to remove millions of ineligible names from the list. Good work, but why should they have to bring lawsuits to get dead people removed from the rolls? Shouldn’t it be happening automatically? 

The American people will only have faith in their electoral system if they believe it is fair and efforts to minimize fraud are implemented to the greatest extent possible. 


Steve Levy is president of Common Sense Strategies, a political consulting firm. He served as a Suffolk County Executive, a NYS Assemblyman, and host of “The Steve Levy Radio Show.” He is the author of “Solutions to America’s Problems” and “Bias in the Media.”