NYC Is Selling off “Excess” COVID Ventilators and Masks. Shouldn’t We Be Stockpiling Them?

Remember how we all panicked during the first months of Covid, given the government did not stockpile enough masks and ventilators for such an emergency? We swore we would never be caught flat-footed again. But now we hear that New York City is selling off excess ventilators and masks, now that the pandemic is ebbing.

Wouldn’t it make sense to stockpile these products for the next emergency? More important is how this is further proof of waste within the government’s Covid programs. Trillions of dollars were sent out the door with little to no oversight. It’s why the program became the most fraud-ridden in our nation’s history.

And now we see New York City will sell off over $200 million worth of Covid stuff hoping to retrieve a mere $500,000. Outrageous!