Why Would Normal People Want to Stay in Crazy Progressive States?

By Steve Levy

While watching a talk show on CNN recently, I heard a progressive pundit named  Lulu Garcia-Navarro express dismay that normal conservative residents of blue states were moving to South Carolina in droves to live with people who think like they do.  

Navarro was not lamenting this because of its political implications at the voting booth. Rather, she was expressing disgust that this was an expression of intolerance and racism by right wingers indicating their unwillingness to live where progressives rule.

It was simply unfathomable to this socialist-leaning leftist that, at some point, normal conservatives would get so fed up with wokeism and chaos generated by the far left that they would say, “Enough, I have to get out of Crazyland and live with people who don’t advocate for the breakdown of society.”

Why would it be so unthinkable that normal people would say they no longer want to live in an area controlled by progressives who allow grown men to change in a women’s locker room?

Or live in a progressive-controlled enclave that pushes books on 13-year-olds in their school libraries that glorify pedophilia and incest and contain pictures of children engaging in oral sex on each other?

Or continue to live in a Democrat-majority municipality that refuses to hold in jail crazy people who randomly and repeatedly punch women in the face?

Or live in ultra-liberal jurisdictions that allow bandits to fleece a local Target or CVS up to sixty times without any consequences?

Or live in a delusional leftist locale that allows squatters to break into someone’s home and kick the true owners out, while they sublet the house to others for a ridiculous profit?

These progressives are so crazy that they not only encourage these unhinged policies, but they cannot even fathom why normal people would want to get away from them, and live with other normal people in a normal state such as South Carolina, where such lunacy is not tolerated.

There was a time in the past where normal people would be stuck in these crazy blue states because they were wedded to their jobs in that area or didn’t have the wherewithal to become more mobile. Those days are fading fast. Moving is much easier than it used to be and remote work has allowed people to escape Crazyland. 

This trend will continue, so long as Marxist-leaning progressives continue to impose these ridiculous, crazy laws on the rest of us.

The progressives simply can’t fathom why folks want to move away from woke cities and states, which is why it will be so difficult to get them to significantly change their policies.

Steve Levy is President of Common Sense Strategies, a political consulting firm. He served as Suffolk County Executive, as a NYS Assemblyman, and host of “The Steve Levy Radio Show.” He is the author of “Solutions to America’s Problems” and “Bias in the Media.” www.SteveLevy.info, Twitter  @SteveLevyNY, steve@commonsensestrategies.com