By Steve Levy
In 2012, I published a book entitled Bias in the Media: How the Media Switched Against Me After I Switched Parties. In the book, I explained how my once mostly favorable coverage in the media as a Democrat slithered away once I changed my registration to Republican.
As a Democrat, I told my Republican friends how I believed they had exaggerated the bias, but later confessed to them that the left-leaning bias was far more than they had stated, or I could ever have imagined.
And now, an explosive interview from an editor at National Public Radio (NPR) confirms what we already knew — the mainstream media has become an advocacy outlet for the left. https://www.foxnews.com/media/npr-editors-bombshell-essay-causing-turmoil-liberal-outlet-report
He noted that, remarkably, there were 87 registered Democrats in editorial positions at NPR and not a single one was a registered Republican. This slanted perspective was borne out in their coverage. The editor conceded the coverage of Donald Trump was not driven by objective fact finding, but rather by a visceral hatred of the former president, and a mission to destroy his presidency. He noted how the editors were working hand in glove with fierce Democratic partisan Adam Schiff and publishing his accusations without any substantiation.
He admitted that they stayed on the false Russia collusion path all the way up to the point that the Mueller Commission debunked it, simply because it was their desire to get Trump impeached.
You could love Trump, despise him, or be indifferent, but as an American, it’s scary to see that these biases would prevail over a following of the facts.
There has always been a leftist slant in the media, but extreme bias was checked by a semblance of journalistic standards that at least preached that such biases were contrary to the ideals of a free press. But these days, there’s not even an attempt to feign impartiality. It’s now considered a virtue to advocate for one side. And given that the overwhelming number of journalists lean left, that advocacy leans left as well.
It’s no wonder why the public’s trust in the press is at its lowest levels ever recorded.
Steve Levy is President of Common Sense Strategies, a political consulting firm. He served as Suffolk County Executive, as a NYS Assemblyman, and host of “The Steve Levy Radio Show.: He is the author of “Solutions to America’s Problems” and “Bias in the Media.” www.SteveLevy.info, Twitter @SteveLevyNY, steve@commonsensestrategies.com