Just As We Warned, Energy Prices Are Soaring

By Steve Levy

Check out this article from The New York Post which confirms that the prices for gas and oil needed to power and heat our homes are going through the roof. https://nypost.com/2024/06/09/opinion/nys-insane-climate-law-is-getting-costlier-and-costlier-to-ratepayers/

National Grid is seeking increases of 20%.

We warned about this years ago as the state and federal governments were entering into foolish, pie-in-the-sky green deals that are extraordinarily costly with very little environmental benefit. 

The climate extremists have been lying to the people of New York for a decade, claiming that solar wind and other renewable energy systems are less expensive than oil- and gas-generated electricity. It’s absolutely false — the amount is lower, only if you factor in the enormous taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies that are given to solar and wind — subsidies that we pay for. 

In fact, wind power is three to seven times more expensive than typical fossil fuel-generated electricity.

We are all for investing in innovation to make these alternative fuels more affordable so that America and other nations that rely on cheaper energy will choose the cleaner products.

The Center for Cost Effective Government is a think tank dedicated to exposing wasteful government spending and educating the public on various measures that can control taxing and spending for the purpose of creating more hospitable conditions for taxpayers and the business community. www.centerforcosteffectivegovernment.org