Another Dagger in the Heart of Police Efforts to Protect Us

By Steve Levy

Just when you thought crime in New York City was as bad as it can get, think again. This month, a new crazy law passed by the New York City Council over the objections of Mayor Adams becomes effective.

It will require that police officers engage in lengthy, burdensome paperwork every time they make a stop to question suspects to keep a neighborhood safe.

The officers will have to write up a report, not just for arresting a person, but for simply asking a person questions. They will have to record what they asked the individual, as well as their race, age, etc.

A police officer is smart enough to know that this is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Why would they even bother to engage a person in conversation if their questioning is now going to be subject to a written report that ambitious lawyers and liberal not-for-profits will use to bring lawsuits against the police department and the officers individually?

What officer will think it’s worth losing his house, his job or his freedom by questioning suspects? They might as well just leave them alone to create mischief. 

The winners: violent criminals. The losers: innocent victims.

Steve Levy is President of Common Sense Strategies, a political consulting firm. He served as Suffolk County Executive, as a NYS Assemblyman, and host of “The Steve Levy Radio Show.” He is the author of “Solutions to America’s Problems” and “Bias in the Media.”, Twitter @SteveLevyNY,