By the Numbers

FBI: No Warrant? No Problem

The heavily redacted 2022 opinion finally released Friday revealed the FBI conducted 278,000 improper searches of Americans in 2020 and early 2021.

Incredibly, the bureau conducted roughly 3.4 million warrantless searches of Americans in 2021 via Section 702.

SOURCE: James Bovard, “The FBi just got caught in yet more massive, outrageous FISA abuses, New York Post, May 21, 2023


Major Cities See Rise in Homicides and Assaults

From 2019 to 2022, the Major Cities Chiefs Association estimates a shocking 50% increase in homicides and 36% rise in aggravated assaults in their member cities.

SOURCE: Philip Pilkington, “Why big cities like New York are at risk of turning into Detroit,” New York Post, May 11, 2023 


Pot Luck

As of May 9, “‘just five shops sell marijuana legally in New York City, while 1,400 bodegas, smoke shops and other outlets without licenses do.’ ”

SOURCE: “Weed watch: Tax Dreams up in Smoke,” New York Post, May 9, 2023