Yet More Examples of Government Screwing Things up

There was a time in the 70s and 80s where Americans got the feeling that their government couldn’t do anything right. Crime was soaring, and the impression was that our leaders had no vision or ability in getting things back under control. Homelessness was evident everywhere and the impression was that our leaders didn’t know how to solve it.

Buildings were burnt down and our leaders seemed helpless to build them back. A skating rink owned by the city couldn’t be rebuilt for decades. A mile of subway construction wound up costing billions. A public restroom in San Francisco wound up costing $1.7 million.

And now we have four more examples of government ineptitude.


The Pier That Fell Apart

Don’t ask me why President Biden asked for U.S. taxpayers to pay $350 million to build a pier to provide humanitarian aid to the political entity that is holding five of our citizens hostage, but he did. It’s bad enough that he is pandering to the barbarians holding Americans hostage, but the expenditure made was totally wasted as the dock fell apart and sunk to the bottom of the sea after the first heavy rainstorm. What a dismal picture of incompetence.


The EV Stations That Weren’t

President Biden and his Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, have been scaring Americans into believing that the world is going to end due to climate change and we must allow the administration to tax us for billions of dollars to create a cottage industry so they can virtue signal to green extremists.

Regulations were implemented that seek to cripple the combustible engine and force us all to use electric vehicles within a few short years. But don’t worry, we’re going to tax you for billions to construct EV stations everywhere. Never mind that you’ll have to wait an hour for them to charge. Lo and behold, after all this hoopla and expenditure, a total of eight EV stations have been completed in the last two years.

Don’t worry. Only 492,000 more left to go. These guys can not get out of their own way.


Legalizing Pot, but Only Allowing Illegal Shops to Open

Leave it to New York to brag about legalizing marijuana, and all the revenue it’s going to derive from this new freedom.

But the dunderheads running our state implemented such a byzantine system to legalize pot shops, that barely a handful are up and operating three years later. That’s partially due to the fact that they limited ownership to those who had been convicted of a marijuana-related crime in the past. 

In other words, people with good records need not apply. 

But the bigger joke is that they have allowed the illegal shops to flourish right in front of our eyes, littering the streets of New York City with the unmistaken skunk-like odor permeating the air. 

This debacle is an ode to our present government ineptitude.


Rights for Squatters, but Not for You 

And then there’s the ridiculous laws in New York that allow squatters to break into your home while you’re on vacation or in Florida as a snowbird. Once there for 30 days, they now have legal possession of your property. Have fun spending $50,000 over the next year to get them out. Why do we allow this in New York? Because our leaders are crazy.