Did you see that cringeworthy election of a new leader of the Democratic National Committee?
The only two words to describe it was “clown show.”
It’s obvious from what transpired that the Democratic activists have not learned a darn thing about why they lost this last election. It’s also obvious that the activists who control the party apparatus are way, way, way to the left of the average Democrat working or middle-class registrant.
It was absolutely comical watching the moderator trying to explain how votes for party leadership could be cast. Apparently, there had to be a slate of votes from males and a slate from females. But then, of course, there had to be a slate of votes from those who consider themselves neither male or female, or those considering themselves to be both.
The rules were so convoluted and contorted so as to virtue signal to the Woke, that even the helpless moderator didn’t understand what he was supposed to do to carry them out. He had to shift it off to a woman who got up and also sounded like a ball of confusion.
So, after all of this pandering about ensuring diversity, equity and inclusion, what did the Democrats do? Of course, they elected a straight white guy to lead them into the next few years and elevated perhaps the most sanctimonious GenZ activist on the planet — David Hogg, who rose to fame, having been a student at Parkland High School in Florida that was the site of a mass shooting. Don’t tell anyone, but he’s also a white guy.
But wait, it got better. When the brutally biased lefty, and so-called journalist, Jonathan Breibart of MSNBC, asked all of the eight candidates if they believed racism and misogyny was a major factor in Kamala Harris’ loss, each raised his or her hand so quickly, you’d think a tarantula was inside their shirts.
The supposedly unbiased journalist naturally responded,“Congratulations, you passed the test.”
Kamala Harris lost because, as Democrat James Carville noted, she was a seventh-string quarterback chosen to win the Super Bowl. (These Dems apparently forgot that the American people, including a large swarth of white Americans, voted for Barack Obama, not once, but twice.)
There is a branch within the Democratic Party, of which Carville is a member, who harken back to the more sensible days where it was understood that “it’s the economy, stupid.”
But the newer generation that was indoctrinated through Marxist education in our universities obsesses over issues such as DEI, gender identification and climate change, while ignoring the border, the defund-the-police movement that created havoc in our streets, and unbridled spending that led to 20% increases in prices during the Biden administration.
The video clips from the DNC meeting is surefire commercial material for the GOP in the midterms.
Hopefully, saner minds within the party can shake off their fear of the radical left that has taken over the party and veer it toward a more moderate course, just as Bill Clinton shifted from the radical George McGovern clan, thereby enabling him to win two terms.
We need a healthy two-party system. But the Democrats — with an unpopularity level of 57%, the highest in decades — is in sad shape. Will they have a moderate leader like Clinton emerge from the ashes?