So Hofstra University has invited our nation’s former health czar, Dr. Anthony Fauci, to give a commencement speech in December.
Does anyone else see the irony of laying out the red carpet for the man perhaps most responsible for unnecessarily shutting campuses down for unreasonably long periods of time during the aftermath of the pandemic?
It seems that Dr. Fauci is a very nice man. He’d probably be a great neighbor. He’s affable, intelligent, and, in most cases, well-meaning. But he has made brutally bad decisions that have negatively impacted an entire generation, helped stifle our economy, and even led to the death of millions of people worldwide, including one million Americans. Sounds harsh, but it’s true.
Let’s start with the most egregious error. At this point, there can be no doubt that Dr. Fauci was perhaps the planet’s strongest proponent of gain of function research, which authorizes scientists to play Dr. Frankenstein by deliberately manipulating viruses to make them more contagious and deadly within a lab setting.
The intent is well-meaning. The theory is that the scientists can keep control of the newly engineered killer virus within the confines of the lab, with the hope they’ll be able to create a vaccine, should it ever be needed in the future if the virus metastasizes. The reality is that the procedure is so risky that the Obama administration banned it.
But that didn’t stop Dr. Fauci from lobbying vociferously to reestablish a gain of functions program. He engaged in some shell games by funneling the funding not directly to a lab, but rather through a third-party health organization, which thereafter coordinated with the Wuhan Lab in China, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.
That company, Ecohealth Alliance, was headed by Peter Daszak. He was perhaps the most villainous character in the pandemic saga. This doctor became the media’s point person for attempting to debunk the now-nearly universally accepted theory that the virus escaped from the Wuhan Lab.
Fauci himself is on record as acknowledging the huge risks associated with gain of function, but has consistently stated that the risk is worth the potential reward in developing vaccines for diseases that have not yet and may never hit the general public.
We now know that in late 2019, some scientists at Wuhan had contracted the coronavirus. Some died and some were never heard from again, and China immediately went into an information lockdown. They refused to allow neutral international observers to get any information to help verify the origin of the virus.
It appears that Fauci was complicit in promulgating the fake conspiracy theory that the virus emanated naturally from the eating of bats from an open market in the vicinity of Wuhan. Numerous scientists early on correctly debunked this theory, noting that the virus’ internal structure did not support the theory that it mutated naturally through animals. They claim it’s far more likely it was manipulated by human experimentation.
This set off red flags for Fauci and his healthcare establishment minions. It was now evident that millions of people were dying around the world because Fauci and Co. had pushed, and even funded, the gain of function research.
Not wanting to be blamed, they created the fiction that the virus emanated from the market. But it was even worse than that. They also used the power of their office to ridicule and defame any scientist who dared state the truth that this was not a disease emanating from a wet market, but rather from a lab indirectly funded in part by Fauci.
Fauci‘s arrogance was on full display when he stated that anyone criticizing or doubting him was doubting science itself, because … wait for it … he is science. What gall!
His mistakes and intentional misdirections placed a dark spot on healthcare credibility in the U.S. Average residents in the past looking for guidance would usually take the word of these healthcare professionals. But now they take all of these pronouncements by our healthcare officials with a grain of salt, realizing that politics and self-interest may come into play from the healthcare establishment. And yet Fauci is being honored?
And let’s not forget his insane lockdown recommendations that banned unvaccinated students from campus even after it was abundantly clear that the vaccine, which was helpful in avoiding death for the vulnerable, did not prevent transmission of or getting the virus.
Certainly, precautions were warranted in the early stages where we were still figuring out what was happening. But by the time the Omicron version was prevelant, it was well-documented that the vaccines were not preventing the spread or the ability to shield an individual from contracting the virus.
So why the full-fledged lockdowns instead of just isolating the elderly and those with underlying conditions?
An entire generation’s learning potential was diminished due to the Fauci-inspired school closures, as evidenced by steeply declining test scores.
And yet one of our finer learning institutions is honoring the man behind it. Next thing you know, we will be honoring Gov. Gavin Newsom for cleaning up San Francisco for a week to impress the leader of the Chinese Communist Party after Newsom himself caused California’s filthy conditions with his insane policies.
Let’s stop honoring incompetence.