Why Indict a Cop for Protecting Himself?

By Steve Levy

A police officer in Columbus, Ohio has been indicted on murder charges for shooting a shoplifter who defied his orders to get out of the car and, instead, stepped on the gas and pointed the car toward the officer.

The liberal Associated Press made the police officer look like the bad guy and the shoplifter look like the innocent victim. https://paper.newsday.com/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?edid=a4ae9f6b-390e-47c4-a6ac-55eaa298df57&pnum=9

The 21-year-old had just finished stealing materials from a local store and was confronted by the officer who ordered her to get out of the car. It was reported that, instead of complying with the officer’s commands, she veered the car toward the officer, who fired a single bullet to the windshield, killing her.

What’s confusing here? A woman stole property. She was ordered to get out of the car. She defied the officer and then put her foot on the gas, giving him the impression she was going to run him over. He then shot her to defend himself. 

Case closed. 

But, no, he now goes on trial with his life ruined.

Look for lawyers to get involved to collect a big paycheck for the shoplifter who steered her car toward the officer. It’s a sick upside-down world we’re living in.

Steve Levy is president of Common Sense Strategies, a political consulting firm. He served as Suffolk County executive, a New York state assemblyman, and host of The Steve Levy Radio Show. He is the author of Solutions to America’s Problems and Bias in the Media.

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