By Steve Levy
The Democratic party is taking major action to actually prevent the mitigation of fraud within our electoral process. Let’s just look at some examples.
- They have been working feverishly to stop legislation that would require voter ID. They actually went to the extraordinary step of passing HR 1 back in 2021, which, if passed, would have prohibited even Republican states from requiring identification for voters. The only rational explanation is that one would want those who are ineligible to vote to actually cast a ballot without getting caught. Democrats know that these individuals are far more likely to vote Democratic.
- Then the Democratic Party aggressively fought efforts to purge the voter rolls of individuals who died or moved within the last several years. Why would Democrats oppose this? Could it be that they want these names in the system so that operatives with nefarious intent can obtain one of the millions of ballots that are allowed to float within our system and thereafter sign the name of one of those individuals who died or moved away? There’s a pretty good chance that if you do so, you’ll get away with it. A Nevada reporter sent into the board of elections ballots for nine people whose signatures mirrored that of the reporter rather than the voter. Alarmingly eight of the nine were accepted.
- The Democrats were simultaneously engaging in efforts to water down or eliminate signature verification requirements. In New York, the pre-Covid rules stated that both the Democrat and Republican poll watchers had to agree that a signature was legitimate. During Covid, the liberal state legislature changed the rules allowing a signature to be accepted by just having one of the two poll watchers agree to it, eliminating the concept of checks and balances. Why would anyone want to encourage potentially illicit signatures to be counted unless they thought it was going to benefit their party? Apparently, that’s exactly what Democrats believe.
- Democrats also took the mischievous step of automatically having individuals who obtain driver’s licenses become registered to vote. This is the case, even if they are illegal aliens. In the old days, the registration would not take effect unless the individual affirmatively checked the box that they wanted to be registered. Now, in some states, they are automatically registered unless they OPT OUT. This is alarming since there is no requirement for proof of citizenship in getting a driver’s license in New York and in numerous other states across America. Therefore, even if an illegal alien did not intend to become registered, it is possible that thousands and thousands around the country will be registered. Then, when they receive a ballot in their mailbox, they will believe they have the legitimate right to vote. Good luck to Republicans trying to promptly prove all this after the fact. Democrats know this well, which is why they fight every effort to prevent this type of fraud.
- Democrats have been promoting the expansion of ballot harvesting It’s an insidious concept that allows paid political operatives to knock on the door of a prospective voter with a ballot in hand, have them check off the box and thereafter take the ballot away with them. This is a complete obliteration of the chain of custody between the voter and the board of elections. There’s nothing preventing that harvester from throwing the ballot in the trash if he sees the person voted for the wrong candidate. If this intimidating process were used in a country such as Cuba or Venezuela, we would laugh about how corrupt it is. Yet Democrats, through their HR 1 resolution, wanted to make this mandatory in each of the 50 states.
- And speaking of ending the chain of custody, what fair-minded individual would promote a policy that allows political mules to dump hundreds of ballots into a box on a street corner instead of delivering them to an election board?
- In many states, there used to be a requirement that the signature on the absentee ballot match the signature on file at the elections board. Many Democratic governors and secretaries of state unilaterally changed these procedures so that the signature on the ballot no longer has to match that at the board.
- In Virginia, Republican governor Glenn Younkin is seeking to remove from the voting rolls individuals who admitted they are not here legally. Biden‘s Justice Department jumped into court to stop it. Once again we ask: Who would seek to stop these measures intended to prevent fraud unless they really wanted this type of fraud to be prevalent?
Both the Left and the mainstream media claim there was no evidence of fraud in the 2020 election. Whether there was enough illegality or irregularities to overturn the election is one question, but it should be beyond debate that we should take every measure possible to prevent potential fraud in the future. This has nothing to do with Joe Biden, Donald Trump, or Kamala Harris. It had everything to do with the faith Americans have in their electoral system.
Steve Levy is President of Common Sense Strategies, a political consulting firm. He served as Suffolk County Executive, as a NYS Assemblyman, and host of “The Steve Levy Radio Show.” He is the author of “Solutions to America’s Problems” and “Bias in the Media.” www.SteveLevy.info, Twitter @SteveLevyNY, steve@commonsensestrategies.com