The Single Biggest Reason to Vote against Harris-Walz

Donald Trump may be a boorish, narcissistic egomaniac but his policies were basically sound. On the other hand, the campaign of joy coming from the Harris campaign is riddled with disasters, including deliberately opening up our border, irresponsibly spending trillions, sparking inflation, and exhibiting weakness around the world, prompting wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

But, perhaps the biggest reason to oppose the Harris-Walz campaign is their unholy alliance with George and Alex Soros, who are among the most heavily financed evil-doers in the world.

This is the same billionaire George Soros who has funneled millions to radically woke district attorneys in our major cities, turning them into murder capitals. The Soros family is also a major contributor to the “defund the police” movement.

They are now making a move to buy up hundreds of local radio stations to spread their radical leftist, anti-American propaganda throughout the land.

Soros funds the many nonprofit groups that help facilitate illegal border crossings, leading to American towns and cities becoming overwhelmed.

And now we see VP candidate Tim Walz proudly attending a meeting with Alex Soros to show his solidarity with the Marxist anarchist.

It shouldn’t be surprising. This is the same Tim Walz who idolized Mao, one of the most notorious murderers in history.

Walz took numerous trips to China and preached to his students how Mao’s practices should be emulated.

And this is a man that Democrats want to place just a heartbeat away from the American president.

Walz retorts that the Republican party has often gotten into bed with pharmaceutical companies or the NRA. But neither of those groups actively hope for America’s downfall. 

Throughout our nation, there are nefarious groups who aim to weaken us as a major power. They wish to transform America into a woke Marxist utopia. It’s one  thing for such groups to practice these ugly ideas on their own. It is another thing when they have an entire political party — that being the Democrats — aligning with their efforts by playing footsie with the likes of the Soros family. 

That’s reason enough to say no to Harris-Walz this November.