The Next Mayor Must Keep Tisch as NYPD Commish

We haven’t been fans of how New York City Mayor Eric Adams has dealt with the crime problem in New York City.

Yes, he was a former cop who rightly did not disparage his police department as his Marxist predecessor Bill deBlasio did. But he was very slow to take commonsense measures to improve public safety. 

But if there’s one good thing he did, it was to appoint Jessica Tisch as the New York City police commissioner. She seems to get it. She’s speaking out against cashless bail and the crazy laws that this state legislature implemented in 2019. 

She’s bringing back the concept of “broken windows,” which then-Commissioner Bill Bratton implemented under the Giuliani administration to revolutionize safety in the Big Apple. And using commonsense approaches by placing police not at the entry steps to the subway, but rather on the subway cars and the platforms where 78% of crimes are committed. This is an obvious measure that should’ve been implemented years ago. 

It took too long to bring back common sense, but it looks like Tisch is doing so. 

Whoever the next mayor is, it will be important to keep her in this position.