A recent Siena College poll showed that Joe Biden retains a 50% favorability rating among New Yorkers (up from 46% just a month ago), and would win the state by a factor of 52-31% in the 2024 election if it were held today. https://paper.newsday.com/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?edid=8bc3b3d4-1c97-4747-b985-19b282fb3413&pnum=2
So where’s the incentive for Biden to change course on his open border policy? He and his Democratic operatives realize they are setting the stage for a huge political realignment once all these recent migrants are legalized and granted citizenship and the right to vote. If tradition holds, at least two of every three of these new voters will vote Democrat. It would assure Democratic control of national elections for decades.
A few nastygrams from New York’s mayor might be an inconvenience, but ultimately, the D.C. Dems have no fear they’ll lose the state if they continue on with their open border policy that, according to the mayor, is destroying New York.
It’s sort of like that scene from Animal House where fraternity pledges are beaten with a paddle and shout out to their tormentors: Thank you sir; can I have another?
As long as New Yorkers continue to show support for their tormentors, nothing will change.