Stop Blaming the Cops. Tyreek Hill Was at Fault.

By Steve Levy

If you watched CNN’s coverage of the arrest of Miami Dolphins star receiver Tyreek Hill, you would have thought that he was a victim of racial animus by a racist police department. But a close look at the video indicates that that is anything but the truth.

After the incident, Hill mocked his arrest during the game by making a handcuff sign after scoring a touchdown. He then went around on the talk show circuit with his attorney, complaining about how he was abused. Of course, the liberal commentators couldn’t wait to latch onto the narrative of police brutality against an armed innocent African-American. 

Sure, there are plenty of cases where police abuse their authority and do indeed profile African-Americans. But in this case, they pulled Hill over for reckless driving near the stadium. He could’ve hurt someone. The video shows police officers approaching his car and tapping on his window. They instruct him to roll down the window. Hill rolled it down two inches from a gargled audio, apparently telling the officers,  “Don’t tell me what to do” and rolled the window back up.

It appears from the video that the windows are tinted and the police cannot see inside of them. This is an opportunity for a dangerous criminal to be able to take out a gun from under the seat and shoot the officer dead. 

They continued to tap on the window and insist that he roll it down. He ignores them. They tell him to roll it down or they will pull him out of the car. He ignores them again.

So, what do the police do? They open the door, pull Hill out of the car, put him to the ground and handcuff him. What were they supposed to do? 

If you wonder why crime is going up throughout the country, it’s in large part because police are hesitant to take proper actions to defend the innocent. They know that if there is a confrontation, more often than not, the liberal media will immediately take sides against them. This is so, even when the evidence proves the police acted rationally, and that the so-called victim was the agitator who was refusing to comply. The thing liberals don’t understand is that, when they empower the people who ignore the police, they are eventually putting their own safety in jeopardy

The liberal politicians who wanted to defund the police and declared war on the police, are the same ones who are running our inner cities. It is their constituents who have been shot and murdered as a result of these horrific anti-policing policies.

Steve Levy is President of Common Sense Strategies, a political consulting firm. He served as Suffolk County Executive, as a NYS Assemblyman, and host of “The Steve Levy Radio Show.” He is the author of “Solutions to America’s Problems” and “Bias in the Media.”, Twitter  @SteveLevyNY,