National Suicide
If historians look back on a downfall of the U.S. that can be traced to our present time, they may note how it was helped along by a policy of national suicide going on within our country.
Courts remained silent as President Joe Biden ignored the law when he surged 20 million unvetted illegal immigrants into our country, while the same courts then turned around and sought to stop a succeeding president from deporting the most violent criminals within the bunch.
Sen. Kelly’s Tesla Hypocrisy
U.S. Senator Mark Kelly (D-Arizona) was virtue signaling by trading in his Tesla. We absolutely defend Kelly’s right to buy any car he wants. Incredibly, he doesn’t see the hypocrisy and irony in that he tells us through the EV mandate he supported that he will take away our choice as to whether to have a gasoline-powered vehicle.
So here is a guy who mandates that people buy electric vehicles and then dumps one ceremoniously and brags about buying a gas guzzler. Can’t make this stuff up.
Schumer’s Hypocrisy
So U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-New York) had to cancel his book tour after Democrats throughout the country made him Public Enemy No. 1 for refusing to close the government.
An interesting underlying issue here is that Schumer had the gall to pen a book about antisemitism at the same time he, as the highest ranking Jewish officeholder in the nation, was looking the other way as antisemitism was running rampant on college campuses throughout the nation.
But it wasn’t just looking away; it is said he told the president of Columbia University that there was no need for her to worry about or take action regarding the disgusting antisemetic acts and harassment of Jews that was taking place on the campus. Apparently, ticking off the radical elements within the Democratic Party was a bigger concern for Schumer than protecting his own people. And he has the temerity to write a book and lecture us on antisemitism?