U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer‘s speech calling for the people of Israel to throw their elected president out of office is an unprecedented betrayal of an international democratic ally.
Moreover, it’s an obvious craven push to support his rapidly left-lurching Democratic base for this upcoming election.
It is absolutely stunning that Schumer would hold Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu responsible for the existing conflict in the Middle East, when it is clear that these hostilities were precipitated by the Hamas terrorists. This is the same terrorist government that the people of Gaza overwhelmingly support. In fact, polls show Palestinians support the October 7th massacre against Israelis at a clip of 75%.
Where was Schumer demanding that Hamas free the hostages, who are not only Israeli citizens, but at least six of them being American citizens as well?
It’s quite clear that political operatives within the Democratic Party have come up with a new strategy to deal with the Mid-East crisis that will appease their terrorist-loving base while not making it appear that they are anti-Israel. The new platform is to never mention the country of Israel, but rather target its right-of-center political leadership headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. In doing so, Democrats can side with the Palestinians and try to make the ridiculous case that they’re not throwing their allies under the bus.
Oh, no, it’s not Israel that we have a problem with. It’s the right-wing Netanyahu government. What Schumer and the Democrats fail to understand is that, while Netanyahu has been unpopular because of various domestic matters and for not stopping the October 7 terrorist event, the Israeli population is with Netanyahu overwhelmingly in his prosecution of this war.
Netanyahu seeks to wipe out Hamas and that is what the Israeli population wants. Schumer, Biden, and the Democratic Party are misreading this, believing that Israelis want to lay down their arms and embrace a two-state solution and only the crazy nutjob Netanyahu is standing in the way. What nonsense!
The ironic thing is that Israelis in the past accepted a two-state solution in 1948, 1999 and again in 2006. it was the Palestinians who rejected the two-state solution. They want a one-state solution — Palestine controls the entire region while Israel seeks to exist.
You would think that Schumer would know this. Well, actually, he does, but he doesn’t seem to care because he cares more about appeasing the Palestinian population in Michigan and Minnesota, which has sympathies to Hamas.
The only two states Schumer cares about are the states of Michigan and Minnesota, and their electoral votes.
Shame on Schumer for putting electoral politics over the well-being of a fellow western democracy and siding with the terrorists.