People Can Die When Protesters Block Traffic

Stopping traffic seems to be the new game that protesters are relying on to get their messages across. To us, it doesn’t matter if your cause is on the far left, the far right or in the middle. Blocking traffic is extraordinarily dangerous and can even be deadly. The consequences for doing so should be severe.

Unfortunately, they’re not, which leads to even more crazy, selfish ideologues to put their pet issues above the safety of their fellow residents.

This isn’t a game. When bridges, tunnels and highways are blocked, people can die. Women in labor could be stuck in an ambulance rather than receiving the treatment they need. Your mom or dad suffering a heart attack can perish because they weren’t able to get to the hospital on time. Someone bleeding from a stabbing may perish waiting for blocked EMTs because protesters want to get on the evening news.

And this isn’t even mentioning how a mom or dad might miss their child’s graduation or a student might miss taking an important test for admissions into a college or law school.

People’s lives are dramatically altered when others impose their selfish ways by blocking traffic. The penalties should include mandatory jail sentences that provide a deterrent against this uncivilized chaos continuing.

Rather than putting in legislation to make it harder to block traffic, the boneheads who run New York City have now made it harder for police to break up these mobs. 

The tactic the police effectively used in the past allowed them to cut the mob in half and seclude a certain section to make it easier to arrest the violators. That tactic has now been vanquished, meaning protesters will get off at a much greater rate and the chaos will continue.