As speculation swirls as to whom presumed Democratic standard bearer Kamala Harris will choose as a running mate, many pundits have opined that U.S. Senator Mark Kelly (D-Arizona) would be a perfect choice, claiming he would somehow inoculate Harris from attacks on her dismal open borders record.
But what evidence exists to suggest that Kelly would be any better than Harris?
He hails from Arizona, a state where residents have been inundated by illegal immigration. So what?
A weak immigration stance didn’t stop Governor Katie Hobbs from getting elected. And a tough stance against illegal immigration didn’t help gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake to get elected. Nor did it help Donald Trump win a second term.
More significantly, there is nothing in Kelly’s record to suggest that he’s tough on illegal immigration. Sure he’s probably given a few interviews and written some opinions saying how we should get tough on Immigration.
But what has he actually done even to try to stop the flow?
To The contrary, Kelly has voted lock, stock and barrel with Biden and Harris on opening the border. He’s voted against tough measures to close the border. Then he voted for horrific legislation labeled as an anti-immigration bill that actually would’ve allowed 5,500 illegal immigrants to cross our border each year. That amounts to 2 million more illegals annually. What kind of tough-on-illegal-immigration senator is that?
Kelly had three years to introduce legislation to reinstate the Remain in Mexico policy.
He had three years to introduce legislation to stop Biden’s catch-and-release policy.
He had three years to introduce a bill to stop Biden‘s new illegal immigration app that allows foreigners to sign up for asylum outside the country. only to be flown in at American taxpayers’ expense and then become legal American residents.
He did nothing to stop these open-border policies.
Let’s look deeper into the two significant bills mentioned above related to illegal immigration that came before Kelly over the last several years. One was a get-tough-on-illegal-immigration bill sponsored by the Republicans (S.J.Res. 46) which would have tightened up the fake asylum claims that opened the floodgates to illegal entry into the United States.
Illegal aliens would no longer be able to merely claim they need asylum. They would have to show that a return to their homeland would result in severe penalties such as torture. In lieu of Remain in Mexico, that bill would have stemmed much of the 10 million illegals who Biden allowed to gain access into our country.
What did Kelly do? He refused to buck his party and voted no, along with the other Democrats in the Senate.
In a comical effort to redeem himself and show some bona fides on fighting illegal immigration, Kelly supported the atrocious bill introduced this year in the Senate that would actually allow for over 5,500 illegal aliens a day to cross the border before the president would be required to take any action to stem the flow. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/4361
This bill was such an atrocity that doing nothing was better than passing this bill. The Supreme Court, in the case regarding President Trump’s action to curb immigration from terrorist nations, has already ruled that a president has the unilateral authority to close down the border.
The bill Kelly supported would remove that authority from the president and prevent him from taking any action until the first 4,500 illegal aliens per day cross the border. It’s pure insanity.
So why would we think that Kelly would be any better than Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or any other Democrat in stemming the flow? Sending out press releases doesn’t do the trick. The key is how these individuals vote. Kelly’s votes had mirrored the party line, which is basically the status quo on open borders.
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