Newsday Supports Taxes on Long Island Commuters, But We Don’t

There was a time when Newsday was the only daily newspaper on Long Island. There is no printed newspaper that can serve as daily competition to Newsday, but now there is a digital media outlet that can.

Long Island Life & Politics was created in part to provide a counter perspective from the left-of-center opinions rendered by typical liberal daily newspapers. The reason our voice is needed was amplified last week as Newsday, the island’s major media outpost, was actually pushing Governor Hochul to impose congestion pricing on Long Islanders driving into Manhattan.

They can make the claim that this is all done for the greater good of Long Island since some of that money will go to the Long Island Rail Road. We’ve heard this song and dance before.

Only 7% of Long Islanders regularly commute with the Long Island Rail Road. That means the vast majority are stuck on our crowded roadways.

We want more money for the LIRR, too, but the way to get it is not by bleeding dry Long Island taxpayers and commuters. How about pushing the MTA to start cracking down on fare beaters who are costing the system anywhere from $500 million to $1 billion a year?

How about cracking down on the massive abuse of overtime, salaries and pensions within the MTA system?

Liberal newspapers, just like liberal officials, think that spending more money and taxing us to death is always the way to fix a problem.

But it’s like rubbing salt into the wound when it’s our own local paper that is advocating for an even larger tax burden on those of us who are already at the brink.

We at Long Island Life & Politics oppose these taxes and stand with our fellow Long Islanders.

If you appreciate our advocacy, please consider supporting us with a subscription to keep us as a viable alternative to the left-wing media.