Oops, they did it again. The mainstream media, which is now nothing more than just a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, has once again diminished its credibility by blatantly and deliberately taking out of context former President Donald Trump’s “bloodbath” remarks.
At a rally in Michigan, Trump decried China’s attempt to conquer the American auto market. He made the rather ludicrous statement that he would impose a 100% tariff on their cars. (This in itself is something that warranted analysis and potential criticism.) He noted that there would be a “bloodbath” if this were allowed to happen. It is quite obvious to any impartial, rational person that he was talking about a bloodbath for the American auto industry. He was not suggesting that the American people would start a violent civil war over the issue.
But that’s the narrative that Democrats and their media have been espousing.
While January 6th was indeed a violent riot, it was not an insurrection, as peddled by the Democratic media. It is disingenuous to say that the violence that day was promoted by Trump when he very clearly noted that the people marching to the Capitol should do so “peacefully.”
It’s also quite interesting that the January 6 committee empaneled by the then-Democrat-controlled Congress withheld evidence that Trump asked Nancy Pelosi and Washington, D.C.’s local leaders to assign thousands of National Guard troops at the Capitol that day. What person seeking an insurrection and an overthrow of the government would ask for more police at the scene?
There’s a reason Trump was never charged with insurrection: It was impossible to prove.
But that didn’t stop the media from stating as a fact that Trump spurred on violence that day, and caused an insurrection.
And now they’re at it again.
Let’s not forget how the Democratic media distorted Trump’s comments at Charlottesville when they falsely made it sound that Trump had called neo-Nazis and skinheads good people. They edited the part of the statement where he specifically stated, “I’m not talking about neo-Nazis or white supremacists.” Oh, but that didn’t fit the narrative, so they edited it out.
Just last month, the Democratic media tried to make Trump look like he was losing his cognitive skills on par with Biden when they said he supposedly called his wife Melania the name Mercedes.
Democrats were quick to say Trump was losing it. Anyone who knows Republican politics would’ve been aware that he was talking to Mercedes Schlapp, the host of the event at which Trump was speaking.
There’s plenty of harsh, over-the-top rhetoric that Trump spews all the time that is worthy of criticism. His statement that immigrants will “poison the blood of America” is just one of many examples.
The media should highlight those legitimate points and not go over the top as it did with the bloodbath quote. Such dishonesty only lends to the destruction of whatever slim credibility it still retains.