Democrats have to give it up on calling anyone they don’t like a Nazi.
There was a time not too long ago that associating anyone with Hitler or the Nazi regime would create quite the chilling effect on that person’s ability to speak freely. Either you bowed down to the threat of being labeled a sympathizer of the Third Reich and withheld your thoughts, or you would possibly have the word “Nazi” associated with you anytime you are Googled in the future. You could be canceled, fired or ostracized.
It was a marvelous weapon for the left, but now they’ve so overplayed it that no one pays any attention anymore.
Look at how recently they’re trying to paint Elon Musk as being a Nazi sympathizer for pounding his chest and then weaving his arm to tell the audience that they were all in his heart.
Of course, an out-of-context photo gave fodder to the haters who tried to label him as a brownshirt stormtrooper to further erode his influence.
Unfortunately, it will work for some. A friend who watches only MSNBC bought into the nonsense that Musk was saluting Hitler.
But for the vast majority of observers, this is yet another example of the left crying wolf and losing its credibility.
One of the reasons that the left tries to associate its enemies with Hitler is that it would then give them license to do things that would otherwise be deemed unimaginable.
Labeling Donald Trump as Hitler allows you to conduct illegal surveillance upon him in his campaign.
It also gives permission to liberal-leaning media outlets to suppress good news about Trump and bad news about his enemies. See the Hunter Biden laptop story.
During this past election, when Democrats were fearing an electoral debacle, they turned to the Trump-is-Hitler routine because they simply couldn’t defend their horrible record on inflation, the border and violent crime.
It didn’t work.
You would think they would’ve learned something by now. But their mischaracterization of Musk being a Hitler sympathizer shows it is still taking a page from the same tired, discredited playbook.