By Steve Levy
Back in May, Long Island Life and Politics was the first to expose the fact that the Bayport-Blue Point Board of Education approved pornographic books to be placed on the high school library shelves. https://lilifepolitics.com/newspaper-archive/long-island-life-politics-volume-2-issue-9/
We were outraged that such smut would be allowed in a sleepy town on Long Island. This isn’t San Francisco, or even New York City, where crazy leftist wokesters run the show.
When we asked the superintendent and the board president how they could allow this outrageously age-inappropriate material being accessible to minors, they justified it because their internal review committee gave approval. (We’re sure some internal committee once also approved Blacks being relegated to the back of the bus, but that didn’t make it OK.)
Formerly disbelieving parents were outraged when they finally saw the photos in these books of minors performing oral sex, and written passages of an author describing in graphic detail the oral and anal sex he was having as a thirteen-year-old with his cousin.
Despite their protests, the board has stubbornly allowed these pornographic materials to be within reach of underage students.
The parents’ cause to return to normalcy in our schools reached the national level last week when the United States Senate held a hearing on inappropriate sexual content being made available at taxpayers expense to children.
Senator John Kennedy (R-Louisiana) read aloud the passages within the two books that the Bayport-Blue Point parents objected to: Gender Queer and All Boys Aren’t Blue. The New York Post then ran a follow-up synopsis of the hearing. https://nypost.com/2023/09/14/progressives-outraged-by-sen-kennedys-reading-of-explicit-kids-books-should-put-a-sock-in-it/
Here is exactly what Senator Kennedy read out loud into the record.
(We warn the reader that this material is very graphic — so graphic, in fact, that, if an adult showed this to a minor outside the school grounds, he or she would probably be arrested.)
The excerpts the Louisiana Republican read from “Gender Queer” and “All Boys Aren’t Blue” at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing were assuredly jarring.
“I put some lube on and got him on his knees. And I began to slide into him from behind. I pulled out of him and kissed him while he masturbated.”
“I got a new strap-on harness today. I can’t wait to put it on you. It will fit my favorite dildo perfectly.”
“I can’t wait to have your cock in my mouth. I’m going to give you the blowjob of your life. Then I want you inside of me.”
If after reading this content you wish to get involved to demand change, you can get in contact with a new parent group formed to oppose this pornography made accessible to minors. The name of this group is called Parents Opposed to Pornography in Schools and can be reached at www.uspopis.com.
These books are in numerous other districts on Long Island beside Bayport-Blue Point.
Who would’ve ever thought that this type of craziness that we see in wacko cities such as San Francisco would filter down to local communities on Long Island? If parents don’t fight back, this will become the norm.
Steve Levy is president of Common Sense Strategies, a political consulting firm. He served as a Suffolk County Executive, a NYS Assemblyman, and host of “The Steve Levy Radio Show.” He is the author of “Solutions to America’s Problems” and “Bias in the Media.”