If you want to get a better idea of how deep the rot is in our culture today, look no further than the linked article about so-called book banning. https://paper.newsday.com/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?edid=841344a8-712f-427c-bf40-3f4eb0932bf8&pnum=12
The article in Newsday, “Focus on stopping book bans,” was promoting a book event sponsored by Black authors. It wasn’t enough for these authors to seek to push their works. No, they had to create a fiction that they were in the vanguard of social justice in fighting against a mad craze across the nation to ban Americans from reading the books of their choice.
The article helped out the event organizers by disingenuously claiming that book bans were on the rise, and it was primarily to stifle the American public from reading books with gay themes.
No specifics were given within the article, but they are undoubtedly referring to efforts by parents around the nation who became outraged that various adult-themed books incorporating graphic images of children performing sex acts on each other were being made accessible to children in our school libraries.
Some of those books, such as The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian had a heterosexual theme with age-inappropriate passages. Others such as Gender Queer (which has graphics of oral sex and pedophilia) and All Boys Aren’t Blue, indeed had a main character who was gay. Opposing the books’ distribution to children had nothing to do with the gay theme and everything to do with passages such as this that one can read and All Boys…
If you are squeamish about reading graphically sexual material, stop here. However, if you want to know what 13-year-olds in the Bayport-Blue Point School Library now have access to, keep reading. It will blow your mind. Here’s a passage:
He reached his hand down and pulled out my dick. He quickly went to giving me head. I just sat back and enjoyed it as I could tell he was, too. He was also definitely experienced in what he was doing, because he went to work quite confidently. He then came up and asked me if I wanted to try on him. I said sure. I began and he said, “Watch your teeth.” I didn’t want to let him know I was inexperienced. So, I slowed down and took my time and luckily got into a good rhythm. He didn’t know I was a virgin, and I did my best to act dominant like my favorite porn star. I was an actor, and this was my movie.
I remember the condom was blue and flavored like cotton candy. I put some lube on and got him up on his knees, and I began to slide into him from behind. I tried not to force it because I imagined that it would be painful; I didn’t want this moment to be painful. So I eased in, slowly, until I heard him moan.
As we moved, I could tell he was excited I was, too, but the pride in me told me not to show it. I felt like I was in control and proud of myself for getting it right on the first try all the while still being quiet down for the neighbors. I pulled out of him and kissed him while he masturbated. Then, he also came.
That night was glorious.
I was about thirteen years old when it happened.
There you stood in front of me fully erect and said, “Taste it.” At first, I laughed and refused. But then you said, “Come on, Matt, taste it. This is what boys like us do when we like each other.” I finally listened to you.
The whole time I knew it was wrong, not because I was having sexual intercourse with a guy, but that you were my family. I was extremely nervous. There is a fear, as with most things that you are doing for the first time. But this was my ass, and I was struggling to imagine someone inside me. And he was … large.
But, I was gonna try. I had previously topped someone who clearly enjoyed it, but he had been enjoying anal sex before I ever came along. He knew what to expect. I didn’t. As an avid porn watcher, the only thing I knew about anal sex previously was that it was painful, or at least played up as such on the cameras. Nervous and drunk, I listened and got on my stomach. He got on top and slowly inserted himself into me. It was the worst pain I think I had ever felt in my life. He then added more lube and tried again, which felt better but not by much. He began his stroking. Eventually I felt a mixture of pleasure and pain.
So when rational protective parents want to prevent this trash from being available to13-year-olds, they are labeled by the the self-proclaimed Marxist leaders of the American Library Association and the leftist media as being anti-gay bigots. They are doxxed, canceled, and sometimes fired from their jobs for simply trying to prevent this smut from being made available to their kids.
No one is suggesting that adults should not have access to these materials. But we don’t allow X-rated movies such as Debbie Does Dallas to be made available to kids in the school library. Why would we have these disgusting written materials be made available to children?
Would you be a “movie banner” if you tried to stop X-rated movies from being seen by 12-year-olds? Of course not. You would be a normal adult parent who wanted to protect his or her children. But if you try to stop Gender Queer or All Boys Aren’t Blue from being accessible to your kids, your life can be ruined by the Marxist and Woke left.
We expect the Marxist idiots to push this garbage, but we don’t expect the mainstream media to paint them as the good guys as they push this filth and demonize parents as intolerant Neanderthals.
Shame on them all, including the school boards who allow this to perpetuate.
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