A ridiculous headline in Politico regarding the illegal immigration crisis shows how a biased media has helped fuel this debacle. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/27/dems-migrant-crisis-biden-00118001
The headline read: “Not in my backyard: migrants fall victim to NMBYism as states struggle with influx.” So there you have it — blame American citizens for being bigots in not acquiescing to a destructive policy promulgated by the White House that has opened our southern border to millions of illegal entrants.
This has been typical of the media over the last several decades: portraying the illegal border crossers as somehow being the underdog victims, while castigating Americans seeking to enforce the border as being xenophobic, anti-immigrant racists.
Notice also how the author of this article, as well as many others in the media, has stopped calling these border crossers what they are — illegal immigrants — and instead use the term “migrant” or “asylum seeker” to somehow stamp their efforts as being legally protected. It’s irrefutable that the vast majority of these individuals are coming here for economic reasons, and yet they’re all being labeled as asylum seekers.
It’s a scam perpetrated by the cartels and the open borders crowd. That’s to be expected. What should not be expected is the compliant media playing along.