Hot Topics: The Danger of Being Dependent on China

By Steve Levy

Check out the enclosed article that shows how China is dominating the world market on critical materials and how a Republican-sponsored House bill seeks to address it.

This should be an alarming wake-up call regarding our national security. Since the 1990s, when China was granted most favored nation status, our country has been shipping jobs and proprietary information to our enemies in this communist regime. And we’ve become increasingly dependent on the Chinese Communist Party for raw materials needed to keep our tech-based economy humming.

We’ve been lucky until now that the hostilities with China have not reached the point where the CCP has leveraged the control of these resources as a weapon. We came pretty close to that in the advent of Covid when tensions started to flare and China threatened to cut off pharmaceuticals that are no longer made in the good old USA. 

Why would we allow ourselves to be placed in this vulnerable position? We’ve had years since the pandemic to bring these jobs and production back home. Some of the Trump tariffs were a good start, but it’s just a drop in the bucket. The same must occur with pharmaceuticals and the components that are made for our weaponry. 

The House bill seeks to lessen this dependence while also banning our farmland from being gobbled up by our enemies. 

For the last several decades, China has acted with the presumption that we are their economic and military foes. We sluff it off and think that that’s just them protecting their own interest. We had better wise up and get ourselves prepared for difficult times ahead.


New Pot Shops, and NYS Incompetence

As we hear the news that a couple of marijuana dispensaries will be opening in Suffolk in the near future, one has to wonder what the heck took so long. Only in New York is the state bureaucracy so dysfunctional that it would take years to approve these applications while city leaders looked the other way as what seemed like hundreds of illegal pot shots sprouted up throughout the boroughs.

It’s especially troubling when you see how much revenue has been lost in the towns and in the state over these past few years because of the state government’s incompetence. That’s what happens when the state leaders pass stupid laws declaring that only former criminals would be eligible to open legal pot shops. (No, we are not making this up.)

It shouldn’t seem surprising that our government leaders aren’t too concerned, because, when they run out of money, they don’t go out of business. They just dig deeper into our pockets.


Terrorists Have Their Fans Here on the American Left

I never thought I would see a day in America where people would flood the streets shouting their support for Hamas terrorists, while denouncing the victims of the greatest assault against Jews since the Holocaust.

But that’s what happened this past October 7, marking the one-year anniversary of the Hamas-led terror attack against innocent men, women and children, including many Americans. We better start getting more vigilant with whom we are letting into our country. 


The Liberal Double Standard Isn’t Just in the Media

The leadership of the Teamsters Union did something that hasn’t been done in quite some time: they refused to endorse the Democratic candidate for president. While many Republicans were rejoicing about this turn of events, there is still something quite unsettling about the double standard that applies to both parties. 

Donald Trump was favored by the rank-and-file Teamsters by garnering 58% of their vote.

So why wasn’t he endorsed?