Here’s a Bill That the State Legislature Should Pass

Earlier this year, the state legislature wisely passed a bill that would reinstate oversight and public disclosure for expenditures made by the governor related to the migrant crisis.

Governor Kathy Hochul vetoed a bill requiring disclosure of contracts entered into by the governor without legislative approval during the pandemic.

In retrospect, it was a very foolish move on the legislature’s part to grant excessive emergency authorization to the governor. It was abused dramatically, as in when the governor gave no-bid contracts to one of her contributors that forced taxpayers to pay a significantly higher cost than the national average on masks and other COVID equipment.

But, now that the pandemic is over, there’s even less justification for this lack of oversight.

The legislature did the right thing by reinstating the oversight through a bill passed earlier in the session. Outrageously, the governor vetoed it. The legislature needs to re-introduce this bill and override the governor if she vetoes it once more.