Good Hochul, Bad Hochul

Good Hochul:
● The governor wisely vetoed a bill that would have opened the door to expanded
damages in wrongful death cases, including punitive damages. We already have some
of the highest insurance rates in the nation. Opening this Pandora’s box would have led
to rates skyrocketing even further in this litigious state.
● The governor shrugged off pressure from the teachers’ union and signed off on dozens
of new charter schools throughout the state. These schools outperform public schools
and are an unparalleled avenue of advancement for poor and minority children.

Bad Hochul:
● The governor is pushing a policy that would overrule local zoning powers.
● Gov. Hochul is seeking to slam Long Island businesses with an added payroll tax to bail
out city subways.
● Nothing has been done to keep repeat violent offenders off the street.
● The governor is once again pushing her crazy proposal to require newly constructed
buildings to be heated with ultra-expensive electric heat, while also pushing the end of
gas stoves.