Lost in the avalanche of executive orders over the first week of the second Trump administration was an edict declaring that only one flag, the American flag, shall be flown at federal buildings and U.S. government outlets around the world.
Wokeness and political correctness led us down a path to having a number of progressive causes thrown into the mix when it comes to flags waving in our government buildings, schools and other institutions. It was virtue signaling to the max. And while some of these causes may be worthwhile, they should not take away from the American flag, which is the ultimate sign of unification within this melting pot of a nation.
When fifth graders enter a school, children of all races and creeds should become united under the Stars and Stripes.
Old Glory should not have to share the flagpole with a Ukrainian flag, a Russian flag, an Israeli flag, a Palestinian flag, a pride flag, a Black Lives Matter flag, a pro-choice flag or a pro-life flag.
Save those political debates for other times and places.
The reason America succeeded in becoming a melting pot is that we encouraged immigrants from all over the world to consider themselves Americans first. It was fine to maintain pride in your native culture, but that had to be subordinated to your loyalty to your new nation and your desire to become an American. It is why we’ve been more successful than European nations in blending new immigrants into our mosaic.
European countries have experienced immigrants segregating into their own enclaves, maintaining their own cultures and sometimes their own laws. Not so in the U.S. You could maintain your culture at home, but first and foremost, you were an American.
The American flag is the symbol of that unity and melting pot. It doesn’t need to share the flagpole with any other cause or virtual signaling attempt.