End the Climate Lies and Exaggerations

In a prior edition of Long Island Life and Politics, we ran an editorial about how Democrats and their allies in the leftist media, academia, and the entertainment industry are purposely scaring the wits out of little kids on the issue of climate change and Covid.

We noted that these lies were being perpetrated for the purpose of getting the public so scared that they would cede levels of authority to their elected officials that they otherwise would never even fathom.

By telling everyone that they were going to die from Covid, the left was able to convince the public to accept a serious dilution of their constitutional rights, as well as the horrific policies that kept children out of schools and destroyed people’s businesses.

And we warned that the same thing is happening with the climate change zealots. By making school children believe that all the polar bears are dying (when their numbers were actually increasing) and that the earth will burn to a crisp in a dozen years, it led the public to acquiesce to drastic actions by governments allowing elected officials to throw trillions of dollars down a black hole and to dramatically alter our quality of life.

And, now, there is a marvelous editorial from the New York Post that mirrors almost exactly what we said a month ago. It’s entitled: “With the ‘expert’ COVID view blown up, green terror must be next.” Like us, the Post editorial board concedes the earth is warming and measures should be implemented to deal with it. But technological innovations will be the cure, not banning our gas stoves, ending air travel or raising cattle.

Here it is: https://nypost.com/2023/03/04/with-the-expert-covid-view-blown-up-green-terror-must-be-next/
We think you’ll find it fascinating.