If you want to know why the United States is experiencing a crisis of illegal aliens flooding our cities, all you have to do is read the recent Newsday editorial of August 18. https://paper.newsday.com/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?edid=f368f092-1fee-4211-a0de-b5075f27c956&pnum=32
The editorial was designed for the purpose of dissecting the actions of New York City’s mayor and New York’s governor and pleading with all to work together to address this problem.
The problem with the editorial is that it speaks only to getting more money from the federal government and discussing which jurisdiction should shoulder the problem. But the glaring omissions in this editorial sum up why we have an illegal immigration crisis today. All the editorial board had to do was to push Adams and every other elected official in New York to demand that President Biden:
Let us repeat:
Once again:
And no, it doesn’t take Congressional action such as the so-called “comprehensive immigration reform,” which is really just a euphemism for amnesty. All it takes is an executive order from a willing president.
If liberals continue to ignore the root of the problem, we will just be spinning in circles. So what if we do get a few extra billion from the federal government if the feds don’t close the spigot at the southern border? We will just be in the same mess a couple of months from now as an additional 100,000 stream into the city, and additional millions overwhelm other locales around the nation.
Why won’t the liberal media or a single Democrat simply state this truth? Why do they make it seem like this border surge is an accident or out of the control of the man in the Oval Office?
The influx of illegal immigrants at the end of the Trump administration was down significantly and it wasn’t because of Covid. It was because of the Remain in Mexico policy, which started long before Covid and showed amazing signs of success. Let’s face it: the overwhelming majority of the so-called asylum seekers are people leaving their homeland, not to escape political persecution, but rather to enjoy a higher standard of living in America.
The conclusive proof of that is that they don’t leave their home countries in Latin and South America and stop in Mexico. If their goal was just to escape persecution, they would be able to rest easy once they got out of their home country. But almost every one of them continues on the dangerous thousand-mile trek to America because they know they will be greeted with morons like Mayor Adams and other sanctuary city advocates, who provide them free housing, food, cell phones, and even attempt to get them work permits.
Why in the world would newspapers be encouraging work papers for people here illegally? Can’t they understand that this is only incentivizing more to come or that it suppresses wages for legal citizens and keeps more citizens on the unemployment rolls? (Even a sub-4% unemployment rate still leaves millions on the unemployment dole.)
The illegal immigration dilemma we’re facing today cannot be properly dealt with until we all understand that this is being done by design. The Biden administration reversed any policy with Trump’s name on it, including the successful ones which gave us energy independence and a closed border.
Then candidate Joe Biden professed to the world that he wanted to see a surge of illegal immigrants at the border upon his inauguration. He got what he wished for. (Of course, this is all part of the plan to eventually grant amnesty, citizenship and voting rights.)
Mayor Adams denounced leaders elsewhere as to how mean they were for complaining about the surge, while he and his Democratic colleagues in New York City are welcoming people from all over the world.
Those who said we need to control illegal immigration were called racists, xenophobes, and anti-Hispanic bigots. Well, who are the humanitarians now?
Had we been listened to, thousands of people who lost their lives or were raped by the cartels on the trek to America would have been spared these tragedies.
Had we been listened to, we wouldn’t see New York City having to come up with $12 billion to feed and house people who shouldn’t be here in the first place.
But voters listened to crazy people who were promoting crazy policies. The folks who voted for these crazy people, knowing what they were advocating, now must live with these crazy policies.
So stop trying to export your chaos to other communities who did not promote crazy policies.
Do you still think your policies were more humane now that we have little kids being kicked off their soccer fields so that the government could make tent cities for illegal aliens?
Are you the humanitarian ones as 100,000 people a year die from the fentanyl coming to our open border?
Are you still fine with your sanctuary city designation now that we see libraries threatened with early closures because they’ve run out of money due to funding shortages because we must tend to those who are illegally?
What about the wages that are suppressed and the jobs that will not be filled by Americans? Is that humane?
We will never solve this problem unless elected officials, especially on the Democratic side including Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, speak up about the need to close our border.
They fear that the liberal media will smack them down as being mean. But as stated above, who are the mean ones when you look at the chaos and destruction that has been experienced by America because of the crazy sanctuary city policy implemented by the left?
Stop obsessing over getting more money and CLOSE THE DAMN BORDER!