Dems, Media Show They Don’t Care about Those Impacted by Illegal Immigration

If you listen to the sound bites from Democratic leaders and their allies in the liberal media, you would think that the biggest issue related to illegal immigration today is whether or not there is any truth to the rumors that immigrants descending on Springfield, Ohio are eating geese and pets.

The real issue here is that a small city of 60,000 has been overwhelmed by over 20,000 immigrants from Haiti over the last year. This wave of immigrants was deliberately brought about by the Biden administration’s policy of opening up a path for immigration from four countries of up to 30,000 people per month per country.

This action was done without legislative approval, which brings into question the legality of the measure.

What’s more disturbing is that this mass influx of people from Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua has been intentionally brought in by the Biden administration.

Moreover, they don’t count this mass flow of immigrants as being illegal immigrants. Nevertheless, these migrants are bringing about an enormous strain on local resources, from schools to hospital emergency rooms to the criminal justice system.

Americans did not ask for this influx. This program was put into place, as was Biden’s notorious immigration app, which allows illegal immigrants to sign up to the app and thereby get a free plane ride into the continental United States. All the while these immigrants are also classified as being legal.

This is on top of the 10 million-plus illegal aliens that Biden has encouraged to come illegally and thereupon paroled or simply releasing them into our cities upon their arrival at the border.

There can be only one rationale why a president would commit such a betrayal of the American people he was sworn to protect. The Democratic Party wants to bring millions of these immigrants into America and quickly give them legal status and voting prerogatives. They know that well over 60% and possibly as high as 70 to 75% of these individuals will pull the lever for the Democratic party.

It is the master plan to turn red states blue.

And the consequence in the small Ohio town has been devastating. It would be the equivalent of Long Island having to endure an additional 650,000 people over a one-year period.

And yet all the media and the Democrats want to talk about is whether there’s any truth to the story that these immigrants are eating cats, dogs and geese. 

Granted, the story was sensationalized by the Internet and some Republicans repeating the claim. While there was no evidence of any cats or dogs being taken, there is evidence of 911 calls of individuals taking geese off to who knows where.

But the bottom line is, who cares whether these isolated incidents are true or not? There’s a much bigger underlying issue that Democrats and the media want to ignore. That is the enormous dislocation and strain their liberal open-border policies have had on American residents.

The Biden team and the liberal media that supports them don’t have an answer as to why they’ve allowed this influx, so they deflect by making the entire issue about the veracity of the cat story. Once they’re able to debunk that they can, they can then claim the case closed. We told you they were lying so now let’s move on, they will say.

Well, no, we’re not going to move on. Someone has to fix this. Someone has to stop our local communities and cities from being overwhelmed by the open borders that Biden and Harris have given us. We know the liberal media won’t do it. Perhaps the people of America will this November.