Was Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman politically grandstanding when he issued an executive order banning biological males from playing on sports teams in county facilities, or was he making a gallant gesture on behalf of common sense and the protection of our girls?
The answer could be both.
This isn’t the first time that Blakeman has injected himself into issues of national significance.
Then again, it’s not the first time our politically driven attorney general, Letitia James, has inserted herself into issues to force locals to roll over on the state’s woke policies pandering to the far left. So it’s not surprising that Blakeman was swimming outside his county executive lane or that James was browbeating a conservative cause. (See her opposition to parents fighting porn in schools, her lawsuit against the NRA, the beef industry and former President Trump.)
Some say Blakeman’s actions are due to his ambitious desire to get on Fox News. Early in his administration, he issued an executive order banning masks in schools. Even though he might’ve been on the right side of the issue, most legal scholars believe he had no legal authority to do so.
Sometime thereafter, he entered into a political dustup over Daniel Penny, the subway hero or vigilante (depending on your perspective) who choked out a belligerent passenger threatening others in the box car.
There’s no question Blakeman likes the limelight and savors the concept of being a hero of populist causes.
But there’s also no question that he’s been on the right side of all these issues as well. He has been willing to take on a very woke media in speaking on behalf of the silent majority.
In the case of the transgender athletes, an overwhelming percentage of the population, including Democrats, believe it is lunacy to have individuals who are born male being allowed to compete against smaller girls, who don’t have the same bone density or ligament strength that a male going through puberty may possess.
It not only puts these young girls in physical jeopardy, but it is also extremely unfair to many of them who fought for first place or a scholarship to now be denied that opportunity because someone has a physical advantage. It’s precisely the reason we don’t allow 16-year-olds to play against 13-year-olds in sports.
However, a small, yet vocal, sector of the Democratic Party has teamed with the Democratic media to paint the vast majority of Americans spouting common sense as bigots in sticking up for the overwhelmed girls who are now starting to get seriously injured.
Enter Blakeman, who says: I’m going to make a statement here in Nassau that we reject this nonsense. Is it outside of his county executive parameters? Surely, you can make that case, but he also has a platform and is highlighting the absurdity of this position.
Sometimes the only way to defeat the crazies who are trying to turn our culture upside down is by speaking out against it, even if you are going outside the lines of your county executive boundaries.